PLUGIN ARCHITECTURE [target: 0.2.3, done: 20%] TABLE-DRIVEN DEFAULT MSG HANDLER [target: 0.2.5, done: 0%] REFLEXION [target: 0.2.2, done: 0%] CLONE/CCLONE [target: 0.2.4, done: 0%] CO_MAP ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY [target 0.3.2, done: 0%] CO_BTREE BINARY TREE IMPL [target: 0.3.5, done: 0%] -- OLD -- DONE: libco-0.1.8 - create framework to associate error codes with error strings [yenar] TODO: libco-0.1.8 - implement co_map, associative array indexed by strings [yenar] TODO: libco-0.1.9 - improve documentation (22%) [yenar] - reformat code to improve readability (40%) [yenar] - fix buffer overflows (grep for sprintf, strcpy, ...) [yenar] - move databases from co_object.[hc] into separate files [yenar] TODO: libco-0.2.0 - runtime type identification (rtti) (?) DONE: libco-0.1.7 - gettextize and create gettext wrapper [yenar]