File: [Platon] / scripts / ep / (download)
Revision 1.3, Wed Jun 26 13:35:59 2002 UTC (22 years, 4 months ago) by jombik9
Changes since 1.2: +49 -26
lines reimplmentation; string (regexp) to hide is passed as first
argument on command line
configuration files changed according to previous changes
name = telnet
command = telnet 7000
input = STDIN
output = tbuffer.input
output = STDOUT
errput = STDERR
name = tbuffer
command = tbuffer/tbuffer
input = telnet.output
output = pwdhide.input
;output = STDOUT
errput = STDERR
name = pwdhide
command = pwdhide/ '^(Tvoje heslo|Potvrd prosim heslo):'
input = tbuffer.output
output = STDOUT
errput = STDERR
#name = encoder
#input = STDIN
#output = telnet.input
#errput = STDERR
#command = secure_atl/
#name = telnet
#command = telnet 7000
#;input = STDIN
#output = inputunbuffer.input
#errput = STDERR
#name = inputunbuffer
#output = decoder.input
#;output = STDOUT
#command = tbuffer/tbuffer
#name = decoder
#input = inputunbuffer.output
#output = STDOUT
#command = secure_atl/
#;name = pwdhide
#;input = STDIN
#;output = STDOUT
#;command = ../shell/pwdhide/
Platon Group <>